1 /*
2 * Miscellaneous utility stuff.
3 */
4 package name.blackcap.clipman
6 import java.awt.Dimension
7 import java.awt.Toolkit
8 import javax.swing.*
9 import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
11 /**
12 * Name of the character set (encoding) we preferentially use for many
13 * things.
14 */
15 val CHARSET_NAME = "UTF-8"
17 /**
18 * Allows a val to have lateinit functionality. It is an error to attempt
19 * to retrieve this object's value unless it has been set, and it is an
20 * error to attempt to set the value of an already-set object.
21 * @param <T> type of the associated value
22 */
23 class LateInit<T> {
24 private var _v: T? = null
26 /**
27 * The value associated with this object. The name of this property is
28 * deliberately short.
29 */
30 var v: T
31 get() {
32 if (_v == null) {
33 throw IllegalStateException("cannot retrieve un-initialized value")
34 } else {
35 return _v!!
36 }
37 }
38 @Synchronized set(value) {
39 if (_v != null) {
40 throw IllegalStateException("cannot set already-initialized value")
41 }
42 _v = value
43 }
44 }
46 /**
47 * Run something in the Swing thread, asynchronously.
48 * @param block lambda containing code to run
49 */
50 fun inSwingThread(block: () -> Unit) {
51 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(Runnable(block))
52 }
54 /**
55 * Run something in the Swing thread, synchronously.
56 * @param block lambda containing code to run
57 */
58 fun inSynSwingThread(block: () -> Unit) {
59 SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(Runnable(block))
60 }
62 /**
63 * Autosize a JTextComponent to a given width.
64 * @param width the width
65 */
66 fun JTextComponent.autoSize(width: Int): Unit {
67 val SLOP = 10
68 val dim = Dimension(width, width)
69 preferredSize = dim
70 size = dim
71 val r = modelToView(document.length)
72 preferredSize = Dimension(width, r.y + r.height + SLOP)
73 }
75 /**
76 * Make a shortcut for a menu item, using the standard combining key
77 * (control, command, etc.) for the system we're on.
78 * @param key KeyEvent constant describing the key
79 */
80 fun JMenuItem.makeShortcut(key: Int): Unit {
81 val SC_KEY_MASK = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().menuShortcutKeyMask
82 setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(key, SC_KEY_MASK))
83 }
85 /**
86 * Given a MenuElement object, get the item whose text matches the
87 * specified text.
88 * @param text to match
89 * @return first matched element, null if no match found
90 */
91 fun MenuElement.getItem(name: String) : JMenuItem? {
92 subElements.forEach {
93 val jMenuItem = it.component as? JMenuItem
94 if (jMenuItem?.text == name) {
95 return jMenuItem
96 }
97 }
98 return null
99 }