
age author description
2020-01-20 David Barts Make border sizes more explicit.
2020-01-19 David Barts Stomp out race conditions and set width adaptively.
2020-01-19 David Barts Get layout of main display non-ugly.
2020-01-19 David Barts More border tweaks, etc.
2020-01-19 David Barts Tweak borders (incomplete).
2020-01-18 David Barts Clean out some deadwood.
2020-01-18 David Barts Use JPanel.
2020-01-18 David Barts Stop it from spinning on non-textual clipboard data.
2020-01-18 David Barts Maybe this will auto-scroll reliably?
2020-01-18 David Barts Got it auto-scrolling to the bottom.
2020-01-14 David Barts Incomplete; checking it in as a backup.
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