1 /*
2 * The dialog that controls font corecion.
3 */
4 package name.blackcap.imageprep
6 import java.awt.Dimension
7 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent
8 import java.awt.event.ActionListener
9 import java.io.BufferedWriter
10 import java.io.File
11 import java.io.FileOutputStream
12 import java.io.IOException
13 import java.io.OutputStreamWriter
14 import java.util.Hashtable
15 import java.util.Properties
16 import java.util.logging.Level
17 import java.util.logging.Logger
18 import javax.swing.*
19 import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent
20 import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener
21 import kotlin.math.log10
22 import kotlin.math.pow
23 import kotlin.math.roundToInt
24 import kotlin.text.toInt
26 /* work around name shadowing */
27 private val _PROPS = PROPERTIES
29 class SettingsDialog: JDialog(Application.mainFrame) {
30 /* maximum allowed dimension in output */
31 private val _maxDimension = MaxDimSpinner(_PROPS.getInt("maxDimension"))
32 val maxDimension: Int
33 get() {
34 return _maxDimension.value as Int
35 }
37 /* JPEG output quality */
38 private val _outputQuality = OutQualSpinner(_PROPS.getInt("outputQuality"))
39 val outputQuality: Int
40 get() {
41 return _outputQuality.value as Int
42 }
44 /* file name output suffix */
45 private val _outputSuffix = JTextField(_PROPS.getProperty("outputSuffix"), 24).apply {
46 noTaller()
47 }
48 val outputSuffix: String
49 get() {
50 return _outputSuffix.text
51 }
53 /* output to input dir? */
54 private val otid = _PROPS.getBoolean("outputToInputDir")
55 private val outputToInputButton = JRadioButton("Create output file in same folder as input.", otid)
56 val outputToInputDir: Boolean
57 get() {
58 return outputToInputButton.isSelected()
59 }
61 /* output to some other directory */
62 private val outputToButton = JRadioButton("Create output file in:", !otid)
64 /* name of the other directory */
65 private val oto = _getOutputTo()
66 protected val outputToText = JTextField(oto, 40).apply {
67 setEditable(false)
68 noTaller()
69 }
71 /* chooser for other directory */
72 private val _outputTo = JFileChooser(oto).apply {
73 fileSelectionMode = JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY
74 setMultiSelectionEnabled(false)
75 }
76 val outputTo: String
77 get() {
78 return _outputTo.selectedFile?.getCanonicalPath() ?: oto
79 }
81 /* button to change that other directory */
82 protected val changeOutputTo = JButton("Change").also {
83 it.noTaller()
84 it.addActionListener(ActionListener {
85 val status = _outputTo.showOpenDialog(this)
86 if (status == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
87 val path = outputTo
88 outputToText.text = path
89 }
90 })
91 it.setEnabled(!otid)
92 }
94 /* radio button group */
95 protected val buttonGroup = ButtonGroup().apply {
96 add(outputToButton)
97 add(outputToInputButton)
98 }
100 /* standard spacing between elements (10 pixels ≅ 1/7") and half that */
101 private val BW = 5
102 private val BW2 = 10
104 /* buttons */
105 private val _ok = JButton("OK").also {
106 it.noTaller()
107 it.addActionListener(ActionListener {
108 writeProperties()
109 setVisible(false)
110 })
111 }
113 private val _cancel = JButton("Cancel").also {
114 it.noTaller()
115 it.addActionListener(ActionListener {
116 revertValues()
117 setVisible(false)
118 })
119 }
121 /* initializer */
122 init {
123 title = "Preferences"
124 contentPane.apply {
125 layout = BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)
126 add(Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS).apply {
127 border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(BW2, BW2, BW, BW2)
128 add(leftLabel("Maximum dimension:"))
129 add(_maxDimension)
130 add(Box.createGlue())
131 add(leftLabel("Output quality:"))
132 add(_outputQuality)
133 })
134 add(Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS).apply {
135 border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(BW, BW2, BW, BW2)
136 add(leftLabel("Output filename suffix:"))
137 add(_outputSuffix)
138 add(Box.createGlue())
139 })
140 add(Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS).apply {
141 border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(BW, BW2, BW2, BW2)
142 add(outputToInputButton)
143 add(outputToButton)
144 add(Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS).apply {
145 add(outputToText)
146 add(changeOutputTo)
147 add(Box.createGlue())
148 })
149 })
150 add(Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS).apply {
151 add(_cancel)
152 add(Box.createGlue())
153 add(_ok)
154 })
155 }
156 rootPane.setDefaultButton(_ok)
157 pack()
158 setResizable(false)
159 }
161 private fun leftLabel(text: String) = JLabel(text).apply {
162 alignmentX = JLabel.LEFT_ALIGNMENT
163 }
165 private fun revertValues()
166 {
167 _maxDimension.value = _PROPS.getInt("maxDimension")
168 _outputQuality.value = _PROPS.getInt("outputQuality")
169 _outputSuffix.text = _PROPS.getProperty("outputSuffix")
170 val otid = _PROPS.getBoolean("outputToInputDir")
171 outputToInputButton.setSelected(otid)
172 outputToButton.setSelected(!otid)
173 val oto = _getOutputTo()
174 outputToText.text = oto
175 _outputTo.selectedFile = File(oto)
176 }
178 private fun writeProperties()
179 {
180 _PROPS.setInt("maxDimension", maxDimension)
181 _PROPS.setInt("outputQuality", outputQuality)
182 _PROPS.setProperty("outputSuffix", outputSuffix)
183 _PROPS.setBoolean("outputToInputDir", outputToInputDir)
184 _PROPS.setProperty("outputTo", outputTo)
185 try {
186 BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(FileOutputStream(PROP_FILE), CHARSET)).use {
187 _PROPS.store(it, " -*- coding: ${CHARSET} -*-")
188 }
189 } catch (e: IOException) {
190 LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "IOException writing properties file")
191 val message = e.message
192 if (message != null && !message.isEmpty()) {
193 LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, message)
194 }
195 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Application.mainFrame,
196 "Unable to write settings.",
197 "Error",
198 JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE)
199 }
200 }
202 private fun _getOutputTo(): String = _PROPS.getProperty("outputTo") ?: System.getProperty("user.dir")
203 }
205 fun Properties.getString(key: String): String = getProperty(key) as String
207 fun Properties.getInt(key: String): Int = getString(key).toInt()
209 fun Properties.setInt(key: String, value: Int): Unit {
210 setProperty(key, value.toString())
211 }
213 fun Properties.getBoolean(key: String): Boolean {
214 val raw = getProperty(key)
215 if (raw.isNullOrEmpty())
216 return false
217 val c1 = raw[0].toLowerCase()
218 return c1 == 't' || c1 == 'y'
219 }
221 fun Properties.setBoolean(key: String, value: Boolean): Unit {
222 setProperty(key, value.toString())
223 }
225 fun JComponent.noTaller() {
226 maximumSize = Dimension(maximumSize.width, preferredSize.height)
227 }