view Building.rst @ 27:404eb7e57fe6

Standardize things for Linux packaging.
author David Barts <>
date Fri, 25 Dec 2020 18:58:45 -0800
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[This file automatically generated by pandoc from 'Building.html'.]

Building ImagePrep

ImagePrep is a pure Java application. As such it is easy to build:

Install prerequisites:

a. `Apache Ant <>`__
b. `Launch4j <>`__, if you are building
   on Windows
c. Java JDK 1.8 or better (see notes below).
d. `Kotlin <>`__

Type ``ant clean`` to be sure you’re starting with a clean slate.

Use one of the following commands:

a. ``ant jar`` — to build a “fat JAR” containing the application (and
   the Kotlin runtime)
b. ``ant macapp`` — to build a Macintosh application
c. ``ant deb`` — to build a Debian package for the Gnome desktop
d. ``ant winapp`` — to build a Windows application (requires
   `Launch4j <>`__)

Which Version of Java to Use?

In short, Java 1.8. Most systems don’t yet have OpenJDK 11 or greater
installed, so using a compiler newer than 1.8 is asking for trouble. All
code *should* build on OpenJDK 11 or greater, with the exception of the
OS-dependent code for the Macintosh (which will have to be recoded to
use the ``java.awt.Desktop`` class). The latter would be a net win, as
it is portable, and would spell the death of the only bit of
OS-dependent Kotlin code in this application.