1 package name.blackcap.passman
3 class MergeSubcommand(): Subcommand() {
4 override fun run(args: Array<String>) {
5 /*
6 * To merge, plow through both the old and the new databases in the same
7 * order. By id is sorta idiosyncratic by human standards, but why not?
8 * If the entries do not match, write the lowest-numbered one to the
9 * output database and read the next record from where the lowest-numbered
10 * one came. If they do match, rely on modified time (fall back to created
11 * time if null) to sort out the winner. Continue till we hit the end
12 * of one database, then "drain" the other. Preserve time stamps.
13 *
14 * Maybe do something special (warning? confirmation prompt?) on mismatched
15 * creation times, as this means a new record was created w/o knowledge
16 * of an existing one. Choices should be to clobber w/ newest, pick one
17 * manually, or rename one so the other can persist under original name.
18 *
19 */
20 error("not yet implemented")
21 }
22 }