package name.blackcap.passmanimport java.lang.IllegalArgumentExceptionimport java.util.Random/* ASCII, alphanumeric, no 0's, 1's, I's, O's or l's to avoid confusion. */private const val DIGITS = "23456789"private const val UPPERS = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"private const val LOWERS = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"/* \ can confuse *NIX, |, ', and ` invite confusion */private const val SYMBOLS = "!\"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{}~"const val MIN_GENERATED_LENGTH = 6const val DEFAULT_GENERATED_LENGTH = 12fun generate(length: Int, allowSymbols: Boolean): CharArray { /* insecure, and if REALLY short, causes bugs */ if (length < MIN_GENERATED_LENGTH) { throw IllegalArgumentException("length of $length is less than $MIN_GENERATED_LENGTH") } /* determine allowed characters */ val passchars = if (allowSymbols) { DIGITS + UPPERS + LOWERS + SYMBOLS } else { DIGITS + UPPERS + LOWERS } /* ensure we get one of each class of characters */ val randomizer = SecureRandom() val generated = CharArray(length) generated[0] = randomized(DIGITS, randomizer) generated[1] = randomized(UPPERS, randomizer) generated[2] = randomized(LOWERS, randomizer) var i = 3 if (allowSymbols) { generated[3] = randomized(SYMBOLS, randomizer) i = 4 } /* generate the rest of the characters */ while (i < length) { generated[i++] = randomized(passchars, randomizer) } /* scramble them */ for (j in 0 until length) { val k = randomizer.nextInt(length) if (j != k) { val temp = generated[j] generated[j] = generated[k] generated[k] = temp } } /* AMF... */ return generated}private fun randomized(passchars: String, randomizer: Random): Char = passchars[randomizer.nextInt(passchars.length)]