view app/src/main/java/com/bartsent/simpleresizer/lib/getScaledInstance.kt @ 15:20da616dcda0

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author David Barts <>
date Thu, 18 Feb 2021 22:12:19 -0800
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package com.bartsent.simpleresizer.lib


private data class IndexWeight(var index: Int, var weight: Double)

 * A quality scaler, rather simpler than Image.getScaledInstance in that it has only
 * one (slow, high-quality) option.
 * @param       newWidth        Width of new bitmap
 * @param       newHeight       Height of new bitmap
 * @return                      New bitmap
fun Bitmap.getScaledInstance(newWidth: Int, newHeight: Int): Bitmap {
    if (newWidth <= 0)
        throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid width: $newWidth")
    if (newHeight <= 0)
        throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid height: $newHeight")
    if (width == newWidth && height == newHeight)
        return this
    return if (width != newWidth) {
        Resizer.fromBitmap(this).horizontal(newWidth).let {
            if (height == newHeight) it else it.vertical(newHeight)
    } else {
    } .toBitmap()