Mercurial > cgi-bin > hgweb.cgi > SimpleResizer
Gear instead of wrench for setting.2021-02-23, by David Barts
Add landscape mode.2021-02-23, by David Barts
No longer breaks when phone rotated.2021-02-23, by David Barts
Concurrency works, massively improves speed.2021-02-23, by David Barts
Parallalized, but ConstraintLayout started hosing the edit window. concur22021-02-22, by David Barts
Better memoization, more rational API.2021-02-22, by David Barts
Fix error messages, make scaling menu more user-friendly, fix return from settings.2021-02-22, by David Barts
Add preferences.2021-02-19, by David Barts
Merge memo.oo in to trunk/default.2021-02-18, by David Barts
Lanczos works, but is painfully slow.2021-02-17, by David Barts
Fix rotation.2021-02-11, by David Barts
Remove debug logs.2021-02-09, by David Barts
Fix race condition.2021-02-09, by David Barts
Got it scaling and rotating, needs settings, etc.2021-02-08, by David Barts
Make the EditImage activity stateful.2021-02-01, by David Barts
Stuff Andriod Studio ignored for some reason.2021-01-31, by David Barts