1 This was written because I got sick of text I entered in many
2 applications having ugly "straight quotes" instead of the more
3 attractive “curly” quotes. I found it needlessly awkward to type the
4 Unicode characters necessary to do that, and it was easy enough to code
5 up a state machine that took care of most of the common cases one
6 encounters in English language texts.
8 While doing so, I also got the itch to experiment with using the Python
9 array module and the buffer protocol to implement writable strings,
10 because I was curious as to how much a fairly straightforward attempt at
11 same might speed up code (such as the state machine I had just written)
12 that makes many tiny, single-character modifications to a long strong.
13 It turns out that it is *very* hard to improve on Python's own strings,
14 but I left my own code in because its performance isn't all *that*
15 awful, either.