1 /*
2 * The dialog that displays the Exif data in a single file (display only,
3 * no changing). We do this after washing.
4 */
5 package name.blackcap.imageprep
7 import java.awt.Dimension
8 import java.awt.Font
9 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent
10 import java.awt.event.ActionListener
11 import java.io.BufferedReader
12 import java.io.File
13 import java.io.IOException
14 import java.io.InputStream
15 import java.io.InputStreamReader
16 import java.util.logging.Level
17 import java.util.logging.Logger
18 import javax.swing.*
19 import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
20 import javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet
21 import kotlin.text.buildString
23 class HelpDialog : JDialog(Application.mainFrame) {
24 private val BW = 9
25 private val BW2 = BW * 2
26 private val WIDTH = 640
27 private val HEIGHT = 480
29 private val dismissButton = JButton("Dismiss").also {
30 it.addActionListener(ActionListener { setVisible(false) })
31 }
33 /*
34 * The stock HTMLEditorKit shares all style sheet data between all its
35 * instances. How unbelievably braindamaged. Correct that.
36 */
37 private class MyEditorKit: HTMLEditorKit() {
38 private var _styleSheet: StyleSheet = defaultStyleSheet
39 override fun getStyleSheet() = _styleSheet
40 override fun setStyleSheet(value: StyleSheet) {
41 _styleSheet = value
42 }
44 /**
45 * Return the default style sheet that all HTMLEditorKit's come with.
46 */
47 val defaultStyleSheet: StyleSheet
48 get() {
49 return super.getStyleSheet()
50 }
51 }
53 private val helpPane = JScrollPane(JTextPane().also {
54 it.editorKit = MyEditorKit().also { ek ->
55 UIManager.getFont("Panel.font")?.let { pFont ->
56 ek.styleSheet = StyleSheet().apply {
57 addRule("body { font-family: \"${pFont.family}\"; font-size: ${pFont.size}; }")
58 addStyleSheet(ek.defaultStyleSheet)
59 }
60 }
61 }
62 val rawText = this::class.java.getResourceAsStream("help.html").bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }
63 it.text = rawText.replace("%CONFIG_FILE_NAME%", buildString {
64 for (ch in PROP_FILE.canonicalPath) {
65 append(when(ch) {
66 "<" -> "<"
67 ">" -> ">"
68 "&" -> "&"
69 else -> ch
70 })
71 }
72 })
73 it.setEditable(false)
74 }).apply {
75 alignmentX = JScrollPane.CENTER_ALIGNMENT
76 addBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(BW2, BW2, BW, BW2))
77 verticalScrollBarPolicy = ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS
78 horizontalScrollBarPolicy = ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER
79 preferredSize = Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
80 background = Application.mainFrame.background
81 }
83 override fun setVisible(vis: Boolean) {
84 if (vis)
85 helpPane.verticalScrollBar.run { value = minimum }
86 super.setVisible(vis)
87 }
89 init {
90 setVisible(false)
91 title = "Help"
92 contentPane.apply {
93 layout = BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)
94 add(helpPane)
95 add(Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS).apply {
96 alignmentX = Box.CENTER_ALIGNMENT
97 border = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(BW, BW2, BW2, BW2)
98 add(Box.createHorizontalGlue())
99 add(dismissButton)
100 })
101 }
102 pack()
103 }
104 }