view antlib/build.xml @ 31:99a0eb385c9a default tip

Work around annoying Swing glitch.
author David Barts <>
date Sat, 20 Aug 2022 09:19:49 -0700
parents e90d290a9a8d
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="ImagePrep" default="help" basedir=".">
  <!-- import all environment variables as env.* -->
  <property environment="env"/>

  <!-- ensure required environment variables are set -->
  <macrodef name="env-require">
    <attribute name="name"/>
      <fail message="Environment variable @{name} not set!">
          <not><isset property="env.@{name}"/></not>
  <env-require name="ANT_HOME"/>
  <env-require name="JRE_HOME"/>
  <env-require name="KOTLIN_HOME"/>

  <!-- define the kotlin task -->
  <property name="kotlin.lib" value="${env.KOTLIN_HOME}/lib"/>
  <typedef resource="org/jetbrains/kotlin/ant/antlib.xml"

  <!-- help message -->
  <target name="help">
    <echo>You can use the following targets:</echo>
    <echo> </echo>
    <echo>  help    : (default) Prints this message </echo>
    <echo>  jar     : Make JAR file.</echo>
    <echo> </echo>

  <!-- compile *.kt to *.class -->
  <property name=""      value="antlib.jar"/>
  <target name="jar"
          description="Compile sources to ${}.">
    <kotlinc src="." output="${}"
             noStdlib="false" includeRuntime="true">
      <compilerarg line="-jvm-target 1.8"/>
        <fileset dir="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib">
          <include name="*.jar"/>
